11:30– 12:00

Activity 6: “Vernissage”

Questions? Goodbye & thanks 

#10. Activity 6: Vernissage

Note: Present slides number 22 and 23


The posters of all participants are distributed in the room (or presented online). Participants now have time to look at the presentations and note down any questions that arise. Afterwards, the questions are answered in the whole group. For a better planning of the time needed per participant, the questions can also be noted directly next to the presented posters.

Make photos of the posters to share them with the participants for further use. 

After that ask for final comments, doubts, or questions.

#11. Questions? Goodbye & Thanks for coming

Note: Present slide number 24 and  25

Ask for any question participants may have. 


End of the module


In the end of the module write a reflection on what occurred during the process. Concerning the participants’ learning, the activities, the organisation, etc.