This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The AuTrain project helps to promote the necessary European framework for improving the situation of people with ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder – through the use of innovative digital learning solutions.
The AuTrain project aims to improve the situation of people with ASD. To this end, the project team is collecting comprehensive material on autism, its forms and characteristics in order to raise awareness of people with ASD. For this purpose, an online platform is being developed which contains information about ASD. In addition, the platform will contain all the necessary teaching and training measures that are necessary for the further education course “Autism Officer / Autism Officer”. This extended training is the main result of AuTrain.
The additional professional qualification “Autism Officer / Autism Support Officer” will be accredited by an external body and ISO 17024 certified. The certification of the training forms the basis for the long-term sustainability of the project. Free access to the AuTrain platform ensures that all documents can be used by various organisations even after the end of the project.The project team, which consists of necessary experts in various fields, is responsible for planning and implementing this comprehensive set of results. These include various universities and educational institutions that bring experience of people with ASD. FH JOANNEUM’s Institute of Internet Technologies & Applications is responsible for the development of the online platform and ensures the highest level of user-friendliness and didactic quality.
The AuTrain platform itself is the project´s main innovation. It is the first open online-resource that can be used for several purposes and that will work as a European framework for information and courses related to the active social inclusion of autistic people in daily life. As mentioned, the AuTrain platform is the only resource that can be used for several purposes. First, for general information on autism, its forms and characteristics and how to deal with autistic people in daily life situations. Second, for implementing a training course that will fit to modern standards in vocational education and training in a blended learning settings.
For this reason, the AuTrain Platform can establish itself as a European source and a common central junction for the theoretical and practical work in the field of autism and social inclusion of autistic people.
ISO 17024 Certification
The most important basis for the development and implementation of an ISO17024 based accreditation procedure is the development of:
- well substantiated and widely accepted competence portfolio / certification handbook
- the establishment of a qualification board responsible for the monitoring of the qualification and competence requirements
Teaching & Training Material
One of the project´s core parts will be the development of teaching and training material for implementing and conducting the trainings “autism officer”. In contrast to other existing material in autism training, this result will have a holistic view on training non-professionals. This holistic view will be realised in combining different didactical settings, different media, the advantages of blended learning and the contents that can be taught in courses for all professions.

Wolfgang Schabereiter
Institute Internet Technologies &
Werk- VI- Straße 46
8605 Kapfenberg, Austria

Ana Paula Loução Martins
Instituto de Educação
Centro de Investigação em Educação
Universidade do Minho
4710-057 Braga, Portugal

Sven Bölte
CAP Research Center
Gävlegatan 22 (Entré B), floor 8
SE-11330 Stockholm, Sweden

Chrysi Koundouraki
25 Gerakari str.
74100 Rethymno, Crete

Alice Maraldi
Viale della Lirica, 15 – 48124
Ravenna, Italy