11:45 – 12:15
Common misconceptions of autism, Wrap up, References & Resources, Goodbye
Activities & Materials: Read & Watch 2.3, Think & Reflect 2.2, Worksheet 2.6
#9. Introduce the last part of the training, consisting of final activities around common misconceptions of autism (20 min.), wrap-up of the whole training, references, resources, and goodbye (in total 30 min)
Note: Present slide number 21

#10. Activity: Read & Watch 2.3
Note: Present slide number 22

Introduce the aim of the activity
The aim of this activity is to provide information about some common misconceptions of autism to the participants, both overly positive and negative ones and false ones. It is important that people have a realistic picture of autism, do not overgeneralize, or believe in myths put forward but autistic and non-autistic people. This completes all the other information that they received before on the individual nature of autism phenotypes and to follow a scientifically based approach.
Introduce the material: The worksheet 2.6 on common misconceptions.
Show the slide 22 to the participants, day that they now should read the worksheet and perhaps make notes about their thoughts. Allow 10 min. for this activity.Then lead over to the next activity.
#11. Activity: Think & Reflect 2.2
Note: Present slide number 23

Introduce the aim of the activity
The aim of this activity is to make the participants to think and reflect about their own possible misconceptions of autism: do they have misconceptions of autism? Perhaps some of those mentioned in the worksheets? Have they encountered these misconceptions somewhere? What do they think one can do about them? The objective is to achieve that the participants question their ideas and knowledge of autism and inspire to do so even in the future and to convey this critical thinking to others.
Introduce the material: The material from Read and Watch just before.
Show the slide with the points to the participants and give them a moment to read them and reflect. Then ask if someone would like to make a start. If there is no reaction, explain again what the activity wants to achieve. If there is still not reaction, start by reflecting yourself, and then pass the word to anyone among the participants. Allow 10 min. for this activity. You may want to use the whiteboard or the blackboard to write-down bullet points of what is said.
When it is time, wrap up, stressing that it is vital that people jeopardize their stereotypes about autism and autistic people and are open to what individuals autistic people say and do.
Adaptation for online session: no need
Then, lead over to the References and Resources.
#12. Wrap up the session by summarizing the main points of it and monitoring participants learning
Note: Present slide number 24

a. Explain to the participants that it is time to come to an end and summarize the module. You have generated some bullet points for them as take-home message. It is not comprehensive but a way to condense the materials and activities.
b. Read out loud the text on the slide, and make sure that the group is consistent with your summary.
c. Ask the participants if they wish to add something important you might have missed.
#13. Introduce References & Resources, and indicate where participants can find it in the Autrain platform
Note: Present slide number 25 to 27

a. The references can be used to further and deepen the contents of the module using scientific reports
b. The resources do partly correspond with the contents presented in the module (e.g. WHO and APA = diagnostic criteria); spectrum news is a newsletter service about autism research provided by the Simons Foundation; The Autism Self Advocacy Network is an empowerment organization for autistic people and their relatives; The Center for Disease Control is a national authority in the USA monitoring autism prevalence.
#14. Questions? Goodbye & Thanks for coming
Note: Present slide number 28 and 29

In the end of the module write a reflection on what occurred during the process. Concerning the participants’ learning, the activities, the organisation, etc.